Tuesday, October 9, 2012

OCTUBRE 2012 Agenda Cultural @ FIX University newsRus.com


More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus

cartagonoticias.comEste lunes 9 de mayo Secretaria de Cultura presenta Filarmónica de Cali en ...
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comunicaciones.univall...Orquesta Filarmónica de Cali se presenta en Buga
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revistaarke.com... Orquesta Filarmónica de Cali.
635 × 300 - 72 k - jpg

cali.gov.coOrquesta Filarmónica de Cali, todo un éxito en Festival de Arte
440 × 292 - 59 k - jpg

valledelcauca.gov.coGobernador anunció estrategia de apoyo a la Orquesta Filarmónica de Cali.
450 × 301 - 161 k

orquestafilarmonicadec...... Gaviria es actualmente violista de la Orquesta filarmónica de Cali.
350 × 467 - 51 k - jpg

orquestafilarmonicadec...... y jefe de grupo de los violonchelos en la Orquesta Filarmónica de Cali.
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foursquare.comViolista de la Filarmónica de Cali. Twitter: @LordMusiker
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es-es.facebook.comConcierto de Temporada Orquesta Filarmónica De Cali
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elpueblo.com.coLa Filarmónica de Cali será la residente en el Sinfónico de Pereira
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elnuevodia.com.coArreglos autorizados por la Orquesta Filarmónica de Cali ejecutará la ...
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valledelcauca.gov.co... la Filarmónica mañana en Guacarí. 02/05/2011. Cali, 2 de mayo de 2011.
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cartelurbano.com13 de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Cali tendrá como director invitado a el ...
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orquestafilarmonicadec...... Camilo Peña es actualmente violista de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Cali.
350 × 467 - 60 k - jpg

miltonochoa.com.coConcierto de la Orquesta Filarmónica de. Cali en Semana Santa
475 × 200 - 51 k - jpg

musicasfox.comorquesta filarmonica de cali, paul dury, proartes, audiciones
480 × 360 - 13 k - jpg

revistacali.comConciertos Orquesta Filarmónica de Cali Sala Beethoven - Univalle
400 × 400 - 39 k - jpg

occidente.coLa Orquesta Filarmónica de Cali tiene para este segundo semestre grandes ...
600 × 450 - 53 k - jpg

More FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus

Welcome to Spring Semester 2013

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Fernando IX University

Organizational Analysis Course Staff
This week we'll be learning how stakeholders reach agreements and make decisions when they have inconsistent preferences and identities. A primary means of accomplishing this is through coalitions or what Allison called, "Bureaucratic Politics." The cases will concern policy-making efforts where seeming polar opposites somehow find a way to agree and work together. I'm hoping the cases will involve processes of organizing you recognize in your own countries and organizations!

A few notes this week:

(1) A neat article:
A student in the class (thanks Karen!) sent me the following link to an interesting article about Graham Allison and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Enjoy!
(2) Peer assessment training:
(i) For all of you already registered to do the peer assessment training, you have one week left to complete it. Just go back into the "Peer Feedback System" and select "Go to assignment" for the top selection and start grading papers!

(ii) **For all of you who missed the last deadline** here is another chance! Go to the "Peer Feedback System" and select "Peer Grading Training -- Round II" and sign up by submitting your initials (you should see a green check mark at top if you did it right).

Sign up will close Oct 15 @ midnight PST. On Oct 16 at 1AM training will commence and you have until Oct 29 @ midnight PST to finish it. If you miss that, you'll need to wait until you submit your first paper.

(4) Course survey:
If you haven't completed the course survey, please do. If the embedded link does not work, here is the URL: https://class.coursera.org/organalysis-2012-001/quiz/attempt?quiz_id=55

It's important information and will help us learn how to tailor this course to other students like you in the future.

Many thanks and see you on the forums!

The Best College Radio Stations

Welcome to Spring Semester 2013

Fernando IX University
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Fernando IX University

The Best College Radio Stations
St. Ferdinand Stadium Pascual Guerrero, Cali Columbia

Universidad Fernando Noveno

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Fernando IX University
Fernando IX University
Cafés Pedagógicos
El Centro para la Innovación y la Investigación Pedagógica de la Secretaria de Educación del Valle del Cauca y las Redes de Maestros
Septiembre 28, 2012
La vida cooperativa en el aula.
“Entre el juego y la palabra".
Gladys Paz.
Docente IE Multipropòsito.
Red de lenguaje Sala del Maestro
5:00 p.m.
Biblioteca Departamental Jorge Garcés Borrero
Calle 5 N° 24 A-91 Cali
Entrada gratuita --
RED de maestros Nodo Valle

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